Company Management     General Manager Message

General Manager Message

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Jamal Abdullah

Manager Message

General Manager : Jamal Abdullah

I would like to express my sincere thanks, appreciation, and gratitude to His Highness and his deputy, the Crown Prince and, their Highnesses the Rulers of all Emirates and all the leaders, interested people and decision makers, experts and people with creative and intellectual visions, and all the supporters of our development.

We have been working hard in order to maintain of utmost levels of excellence and success, and in order to assure that we have decided to contest the challenge and do our best to provide the best and the most important security services applications, the latest ideas, and creative developments to keep us firmly within the rapid changes circle witnessed by the world in general and in particularly in the United Arab Emirates on the local, regional and international levels.

When we commenced providing our services, we beared in mind the strong competitiveness, rapid changes, and the open markets for our line of business, as we moved forward in providing the best of our services according to international standards and we have benefied greatly from our accumulated knowledge and experiences. We worked hardly on the formation of our unique working team complying with the quote of H. Ross Perot “When building a team, I always search first for people who love to win. If I can't find any of those, I look for people who hate to lose”.

Keeping our promise and our determination to be your partner in the first road to success is the real catalyst which would force us always and never grant you the best services, innovations and solutions that support you with our sophisticated development visions in all transparency and with the highest standards of quality and safety.


Waleed Salim Al Mehairi

Emirates Security Services

Executive Director of Transportation & Leasing Sector Emirates Transport

Abdulla Mohd Al Kindi

Emirates Security Services

Executive Director-Business Development Emirates Transport

Khalid Ahmed Abdulla

Emirates Security Services

Executive Director for Finance Affairs Emirates Transport

Khalid Blaswad

Emirates Security Services

Chairman of Mondial Security Services
